Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update on Construction Activity for New Emergency Center – Northeast.

For those of you who read the Tallahassee Democrat, one of the more entertaining columns is Zing, which can be found on the Tallahassee Democrat editorial page. Anonymous readers can send in posts that are sometimes humorous and sometimes cynical, but always give a window to what our community is thinking.

Today in Zing, a reader posted the following comment: “If it takes TMH as long to build the proposed emergency center as it does for a patient to be served in the current one, most of us will never live to see it completed.”

I would like to thank this reader for making our point as to why the new free-standing Emergency Center should be built. Our wait-times are not significantly different, and maybe a little shorter, than those in most emergency centers around the country with the type of patient for whom we care in the Bixler Emergency Center. Trauma patients and a community demand for emergency psychiatric care slow down our processes while backing up care for the less critically ill and injured. The new, Tallahassee Memorial Emergency Center - Northeast will allow these less critical patients, especially pediatric and geriatric patients, to receive faster care in a facility designed to meet their specific needs.

As to the time it will take to complete this new Emergency Center, our colleagues are motivated to construct this facility with the same results as our recently completed Cancer Center, namely, ahead of schedule. Jason Moore and his team are hard at work to meet clear deadlines.

It is an exciting time to be at Tallahassee Memorial. The new Tallahassee Memorial Emergency Center - Northeast is just one of many projects underway to advance us to our World Class vision.


Mark O'Bryant


  1. When will the plans be unveiled to the public?

  2. We are working now on our plan. We hope to communicate through this blog when we have significant information. Thank you for your comment.
